Encoder Training Course with Test

Target Audience: Sales and Distribution Associates for Industrial Encoders

Group of ACUROS
  ACURO-industry Encoders with Fieldbus
Who Needs Encoders?
In every industrial equipment, that has moved parts at a certain level of required accuracy and dynymics, you will find some form of feedback device, that provides timely and accurate information about position and speed of the load.

Both shaft encoders, which respond to rotation, and linear encoders, which respond to motion in a line, are available. When used in conjunction with mechanical conversion devices, such as rack-and-pinions, measuring wheels, or spindles, shaft encoders can also be used to measure linear movement, speed, and position at the point of motion. Since the origin of motion is mostly being generated by rotary motors it becomes obvious, that any form of feedback should be rotary as well (motorfeedback) in order control the motor.

ACURO- XRobust
  ACURO-XRobust Heavy Duty Encoders
Dependant on the application, the environment and some other parameters we distinguish a large varity of industrial encoder. This tutorial is intended to provide a framework of information to judge confidently, wich encoder is the right one for the individual application.

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